Friday, May 14, 2010

5/14 - T minus 21

I did two more practice exams during the week, for a total of 3. In each one, I got all the pure probability questions fairly easily, which ends up being 20-25% of the total # of questions. For the remaining questions, I have the basic idea on most of them, but don't quite have the formulas memorized. I am finding I can do a few more once I look up formulas, but I often have an easy mistake in the math somewhere that I don't find once I struggle with it for a bit.

As I review each practice exam, I have a system for note taking that helps me highlight the specific things I need to learn from that question - both the logic and strategy involved, as well as any formulas I need to learn. I am then summarizing that data on a sheet which shows me the items I need to learn, and I make specific notes on that sheet which have the exact things I need from those notes, whether it be the process for that type of question, the formulas, etc.

I found that towards the end of the 3rd exam I was really starting to build some muscle as far as my ability to work the questions. I was finally able to get a fair way through on some questions I had no idea on before. Hopefully 3 more weeks of this will get me there in time!

My confidence has wavered quite a bit this week. I will put it at 1.5 right now.

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