Friday, August 20, 2010

8/20/10 - T minus 3

Since the last post, I have managed to get back in the studying groove a bit. I haven't been able to get anywhere near the focus or energy I had for Exam P, but I've been putting in a few hours every day. I'm really not sure how I feel about the exam or my chances overall at this point. I have at least a small measure of confidence in every section of the material, so I should have at least a fighting chance at every question. Oh the other hand, I find myself getting tripped up or doing things incorrectly more often than I would like. I am going to put in a solid effort over the next 3 nights and go into the exam just looking to do my best. I know that sounds like I should be doing that anyway, but I guess what I mean is I'm going to try not to put any pressure on myself. Sure, I want to pass, and in the moment I will feel some pressure I am sure, but I also know I can only do what I can do.

Ok, that last paragraph was really rambling! I am still pretty exhausted from the summer, from the past year, etc. I need a break! I will try to give myself a week or two before tackling my next project.

My confidence in passing is at about a 4 right now.

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