Tuesday, February 28, 2012

MFE results and T minus 87 to Exam C!

I passed MFE! I got a 7 on the exam. At first I was a little disappointed with the score, but after seeing that the passmark was 72%, and assuming 5 pilot questions, that means 18 or 19 correct of the remaining 25 would have scored a 6, and 20 or 21 correct would have scored a 7. I can feel pretty good about getting 20 or 21 out of the 25 that counted. I'm sure I made a mistake or two somewhere along the line!

I have been chugging along on Exam C material. I have been pretty highly motivated since the beginning of the year, and have only taken days off from studying on the weekends or when I have been sick. I have used Mahler's manual as my primary learning material, and have been using TIA's 240 review questions as my practice question bank. I set a goal to achieve a certain amount of progress per week on the practice questions, and have already exceeded my goal for this week. I expect my progress will slow after I get through the material I am already comfortable with, so I won't get too confident about being ahead of pace!

My confidence in passing C in May is at about 8 right now. I really feel if I can keep up the hours I have been putting in I should be able to pass.