Ok, so I never did get through the last few sections in as much detail as I anticipated by 1/1. I’ve given all the material a once over, but some of it was a very light once over.
There are about 18 weeks left until the test. TIA has 311 practice problems, and ASM has 479, for a grand total of 790. I’m not sure exactly how I plan to attack these and in what time frame. I’d like to be comfortable with questions from all the sections by the end of March, then I can begin going back and reviewing some of the questions I may already have forgotten!
I will report back in as I start getting through practice problems this week.
My confidence in passing at this point is fairly high – I’d say it is about an 8. I expect working the problems to be very tough and perhaps discouraging at times, but I know if I just put in the time and keep working I should get there by the test date.